The Working Woman: Elka



WomenSpeak: What do you feel is your greatest challenge being a woman

Elka: Getting things done. I can’t do it all, and need help and no one helps me fast enough. I think of all the ideas, time, dates. I am too demanding I guess, which trickles over into relationships. Because I have to deal with men all day at work, I don’t feel like taking shit. Sometimes I have to take a step back and realise that I have to be patient. I can’t fix everything or help everyone. I need to let some of it go. These are the reasons for my sleepless nights I guess. My mind races with ideas all day long.

WomenSpeak: Do you think things would be different if you were a man?

Elka: Yes, sometimes. I have to literally fight for respect. Or not to be ignored. And I can’t get away with shouting and cussing cause then I will be a bitch, whereas men can do that and it seems fine. I have to be creative in how I communicate and dont be overly emotional. I swear if men had PMS things would be different.

WomenSpeak: So why do women care so much if people think they are bitches?

Elka: Cause no one listens to you after a while. When men have to deal with an unapproachable woman boss they wont be honest. I mean, I actually care if they are honest. Some people don’t. It makes my job easier when I know whats really going on.

WomenSpeak: So they dont care if the male bosses are bitches?

Elka: No. They expect men to be harsh and hard. And then, as a woman, if you’re too nice you’re taken advantage of. So there has to be a balance.

Tell us what you think of Elka’s statements: Is it more difficult being a woman who has to manage men in the workplace? Is it fair to expect women to be more creative in their communication styles than men in the workplace? Do women put too much pressure on themselves to be the best at everything? Is Elka an exception or do many women feel this way?

