Call for Artists

My brilliant artist sistren and brothers. WomenSpeak is going to be doing a little series next week about “Sex and Consent” and I’m looking for some original images that I can use to accompany articles or use as posters on their own. It can be a logo like this or a photo like this or any other visual representation of the topic. 

Let me know if you are interested. You can email me at [email protected] if you want more info, message me on twitter or submit your pieces on the tumblr submit page.

More info below

What is consent? Does silence equal consent? If you didn’t fight, is it consent? Does submissive indicate lack of consent? How is sex different when you are in control of what is happening? When you are clear about what you want and don’t want? How can women become more assertive about consent? How do you have the awkward talk about condoms, stds, anal?

In a 2000 report on adolescent health in the Caribbean, 47% of teenage girls who had had sex said their first sexual activity was forced or somewhat forced. The Rape Crisis Society of Trinidad and Tobago said that out of the 123 cases of rape reported to them in 2010 (excluding incest (63) and child sexual abuse (173)) by far the majority were committed by someone known to the victim and many were instances date rape.

So often the way girls understand their role in relationships is to be the submissive or expect the man to take the lead. This sometimes leaves young women wondering if they were forced into sex or did they really consent. 

WomenSpeak will be doing a series on Sex and Consent. Various contributors will give their views on consent and related themes of compliance, submission and assertiveness in sexual activity. 

All form of expression on the topic is welcome – Art, Poetry, Photography, short film, First Person Narrative.

You can also look at our posts tagged sex and relationships and consent to help get your head around the issues.

Accepting submissions through Aug 1-12. 

Or Share your story anonymously here.

