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Abuse, molestation, sexual harassment, they haunt.
It was a morning like any other in 2005, except for the fact that on my way to work and as I approached Chacon Street, Port of… Read more “Abuse, molestation, sexual harassment, they haunt.”
Some women do not characterize their sexual victimizations as a crime for a number of reasons (such as embarrassment, not clearly understanding the legal definition of rape, or not wanting to define someone they know who victimized them as a rapist) or because they blame themselves for their sexual assault.
From The Sexual Victimization of College Women (see link or click photo)
Can’t Speak Up at Work
Years ago, when I was a new employee, the first day I arrived one of the senior men in the organisation came up to me to introduce… Read more “Can’t Speak Up at Work”
When women are asked to believe they are “gifting” their sexuality, the pleasure and power in it is lost, and the potential for female sexual agency is removed. Sex is many things to many people, but the last thing it should be is part of a barter system to acquire respect and admiration.
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Women often have a smaller range of acceptable behaviors at work than men. If they are too nice, they are seen as weak or manipulative. If they are too aggressive, they are judged as acting like men or typical bitches.
Why WomenSpeak Matters
The WomenSpeak Project’s Mission is to provide a forum for women to tell their stories of discrimination and the ways it has affected them. Despite the many… Read more “Why WomenSpeak Matters”
sexual harassment has often been casually dismissed as “man and woman thing” and even accepted as evidence of machismo. Women who complain are subjected to ridicule, about “taking a joke too seriously”, while the perpetrator might be lauded as a “real man.
Pregnancy and motherhood should not constitute a source of discrimination in access to training, skills development and employment.
Nobody Asks to be raped. Ever!