This was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in my few years of life. I had been attending the birthday party of a… Read more “NO, you cannot have this Dance”
Tag: sexual
It isn’t so innocent anymore
I would be lying if I didnt say I haven’t been a victim of discrimination against women. This has happened to me quite a bit to me… Read more “It isn’t so innocent anymore”
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is not a “crime of passion” but a result of sustained patterns of psychological, sexual, and physical abuse as a means of sustaining power and control in an intimate relationship.
A visit at the gynie’s
Going to the gynacologist is always a bit uncomfortable for me still. Even though I am almost 30 years old, I remember when I was a naive… Read more “A visit at the gynie’s”
Sugar Blues
So many pictures of black boys and black men my twelve going on thirteen year old self was overwhelmed; almost more overwhelmed by the mug shots than… Read more “Sugar Blues”
Where Is Your Line? is a campaign by The Line (based in the USA); a movement urging young people everywhere to become more comfortable setting sexual boundaries, encourage verbal consent in sexual situations, and spread the word- that consensual sex is hot sex!
WomenSpeak is all for women speaking up and standing up for themselves in their intimate and romantic relationships. Where is your line?
Abuse, molestation, sexual harassment, they haunt.
It was a morning like any other in 2005, except for the fact that on my way to work and as I approached Chacon Street, Port of… Read more “Abuse, molestation, sexual harassment, they haunt.”
Some women do not characterize their sexual victimizations as a crime for a number of reasons (such as embarrassment, not clearly understanding the legal definition of rape, or not wanting to define someone they know who victimized them as a rapist) or because they blame themselves for their sexual assault.
From The Sexual Victimization of College Women (see link or click photo)
Nobody Asks to be raped. Ever!
Not My Imagination.
I was inappropriately touched by a farm worker when I was six. (It was my family’s farm.) I only vaguely remember the incident (including the memory of… Read more “Not My Imagination.”