While walking up Back Street
in green tank, yellow mesh T-shirt
and loose blue jeans
a copper hails me from
the other side of the street,
“Ras, eh ras,
Dem breast dey look real sweet,
Ah just want dem breast dey,
Just de breast, you hear ras?”
And me, being the polite
And obliging lady
My parents brought
me up to be,
Coolly took out a
Meat cleaver
(cause you never know
when a copper is gonna
ask for your boobs)
And commenced to saw
Through them
One at a time,
first right
then left,
And I took them
Over to the copper,
Silver spittle
Shock and awe
Manifesting in his
Narrow copper face
As he stares at
two perfect melons
sitting in gouts of
blood and mucus
In my outstretched hands
(well what did he expect?
I was never one for silicone meself)
I took the melons and stuffed them into
Narrow copper’s pockets
And wiping my hands on my
Loose fitting jeans
Walked all the way up to
Peace Mo
new melons sprouting
through red patches
on my green tank top
and yellow mesh shirt,
Screw You Copper!
Read an Interview with the author Debra Providence.
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